Monday, May 26, 2008

Exercise sweat...
Daily day exercise more minute, A young man run speed on the ground, thin body, weight loss. No normal as same as scale height-weight .
start fast run speed again fatigued,
Do not fast run speed. and A young man slow run on the ground, same normal scale weight-height. run is important breath exercise healthy hence away unfit body.
Daily day exercise run , come sweat then stop run. healthy breath good clean

why exercise not run? The body had to do some serious brainstorming.

Start baby exercise... how do exercise baby?

from baby exercise to life age...
The reasons most of us workout are usually pretty much the same. We workout because we want to lose weight. Or we workout to get in shape perhaps because going up those stairs is getting you winded. Or you work out to look great in that bikini come swimsuit season. You might say there are no bad reasons for getting involved in a well rounded and healthy program of aerobic exercise. Even if you just go to the gym because the personal trainer is cute, if you get a workout, more power to you. The great thing about aerobic exercise is that basically the same workout regimen can accomplish all of these goals. And as the fat starts to come off and you can climb those stairs and you do lose the weight you wanted to lose and you finally can get into that swimsuit, something else happens. There are a lot of related benefits of a good, consistent aerobic workout program that you probably never saw coming. For example, in addition to seeing the fat melt away from your belly, butt and thighs like you wanted, it will melt away form your neck, cheeks and fingers as well. Yes, we don't just get fat in certain areas. We get fat everywhere. You just might not have noticed the other areas where you had more bulge than before. But on the positive side, when you are successful at shaking off that weight around your middle, you will get a pleasant surprise (unless I just spoiled it for you) when you can even wear rings that started being too small for you before you lost the weight or you can button the top button on your shirt because your neck got smaller too. A major lifestyle improvement that a lot of people discover to their great delight when some of that weight comes off because of your exercise program is their ability to sleep improves dramatically. Part of that is because you have begun to breathe deeper during your work out so there are areas of your lungs that may not have gotten much work before. Now that you are working up a sweat and breathing hard after a good jog or swim, you are using your lungs better so you are breathing deeper. When you breathe deeper, your blood gets richer and your brain gets more oxygen as well. Why do you think you yawn before bed? It's your body trying to get oxygen to your brain so you can sleep well. By increasing the air flow through your system, you sleep more deeply and get more rested.
Another reason you may sleep better is the weight loss that you experience in your tummy, legs and rump also happens in your nasal cavities, your sinuses and breathing passages meaning you breathe more easily. Many people who suffer with sleeping problems do so because they have trouble breathing while lying down. So when it becomes easier to breath at night, you sleep through the night more easily and quieter too. That means that you might even stop snoring. Finally an aerobic workout does more than just get your heart moving. Jogging, swimming, sports or bicycling all give you a good total body work out which means your muscles will begin to tighten up and get stronger the longer you stay with the program. You probably notice this in your legs particularly. Well, because the muscles of your back also get stronger, they don't get as sore when you are asleep so you don't have to get up as much at night. So you stay in bed longer, sleeping deeper and better as well. The benefits of improved sleep are many. You are happier and more productive at work. You are more cheerful to be around so people like you better. You might even feel more frisky and ready for some romantic times that may have slowed down before. So these many benefits certainly add more great reasons to get with a solid aerobic program and stick with it. You will sleep better if you do, in more ways than one.

Like its cousin tennis, Ping-pong is a sport that will increase your hand-eye coordination, tune your reflexes, and burn calories. The advantage to table tennis, however, is that the amount of physical exertion is drastically lower. Whereas a tennis player must constantly dash about a court, a person playing ping-pong can remain relatively fixed in a small area as he or she strikes at the ball. Make no mistake - table tennis will make you sweat, but it won't drain you, and it's much more convenient an exercise. If you've got a table, a ball, and two paddles, you can do it in your own house as much as you like.
Badminton is similar to tennis and table-tennis with a few key differences. It is played on an open court, but because the birdie never touches the ground, it can be played in your own backyard. The birdie is also vastly different from the ping-pong ball or tennis ball. Instead of cutting through the air, the wings on the birdie catch air and cause it to float more slowly, allowing you to play at a much more casual pace if you wish. It can also be played on a much more competitive level, where you'll see even greater physical benefit.
No exercise is as beneficial for your cardiovascular system as swimming. Your heart has to work hard to move your body's weight through water, and having to hold your breath and control it exercises your lungs and makes them more capable of delivering oxygen to your blood. Swimming is also one of the highest rated forms of exercise for burning calories in a relatively short period of time. The greatest benefit to swimming is that most people love to do it. You don't have to make laps and swim like an athlete to get the benefits of swimming. Leisure swimming, diving, and treading water are all that's required. It's easy to do for long periods of time, helping your body to burn unwanted fat. Best of all, when you're ready to call it quits, all you have to do is pull over a float, kick back, and enjoy a few rays.
Don't think that sit-ups, pushups, jogging, and gyms are the only way to lose weight and improve your health. The fact is that it's the little things that you enjoy that will really be responsible for improving your health, because they are easy to commit to and don't take a lot of dedication. Finding ideas like the ones mentioned above are easy ways to get active, and they are all aimed at convenience. A healthier, more attractive body is much closer than you think, so start looking for that perfect activity that'll help you burn that fat, tone that body, and get you off of the couch.

In all my years of working with clients in the health and wellness field, rarely do I run across someone challenged by stress and illness that is conscious of their breathing habits let alone conscious of the true benefits deep breathing can offer them.
Bottom line: When we are stressed our healthy breathing goes right out the window! And then our unhealthy breathing actually can perpetuate the stress, and also create physical symptoms that cause us discomfort.
When you learn to become conscious of your breath and practice deep breathing, you develop the ability to support your autonomic nervous system and positively impact your health. Most of us think we don't have any control over what our autonomic nervous system chooses to do or not to do...that simply isn't true.
Deep breathing is one way to support your autonomic nervous system in regulating itself when stress takes over.
When our nervous system becomes overly aroused by emotional stressors it can trigger a number of physiological responses such as:
Pupils dilating Increased secretion of sweat glands Skeletal muscles tightening Increased heart rate Digestive system shut down Constriction of blood vessels Inhibited insulin secretion Secretion of adrenalin
Learning to regulate your nervous system by practicing deep breathing can be a wonderful tool in shifting the above physiological responses to what I've listed here below.
Decreased and normal heart rate Blood vessels dilate--so your blood can flow freely and throughout your body Skeletal muscles relax Digestion resumes normal functioning Insulin secretion is normalized Sweat glands secrete normally Brain functions normally Pupils constrict
Deep Breathing Exercise:
Step 1) For the next sixty-seconds, (watch your clock) and breath at your typical rate of breathing. Don't try to practice deep breathing right now. Just simply breathe as you always do. While doing so, count how many breaths you take in the next sixty seconds.
Step 2) Write down the number of breaths you took in those sixty-seconds you were timing yourself
Step 3) Now, practice inhaling to the count of five...1-2-3-4-5, and then exhaling to the count of five...1-2-3-4-5. Don't count too fast or too slow. See if you can count to the timing of one second per number. Practice inhaling through your nose to the count of five and exhaling through your nose to the count of five for the next sixty seconds.
You might notice that in order to inhale to the count of five you will need to breathe deeply into your abdomen. No one takes a full breath naturally by the time they count to three unless they are thoracic breathers. Allow your abdomen to fill.
For ease, you can try this lying down on your back and holding your hands over your abdomen. Focus on every breath coming in slowly as it fills your lungs and abdomen. Make sure your shoulders, neck, jaw, and face are relaxed. Deep and proper breathing requires the support and use of your diaphragm, (not your neck and shoulders.)
Step 4) Once you've got the hang of it, allow yourself to gently and fully breathe at this 1-2-3-4-5 pace for the next five minutes. Give your body and your mind a chance to connect and integrate this new way of breathing.
Step 5) When you are complete, check in with yourself and see how you feel.
Are you calmer than when you began? Do you feel relaxed? How do the muscles in your body feel? What's different about the way you feel in your body now? Do you feel more connected or comfortable in your body? What does your circulation feel like?
Step 6) Congratulate yourself! If you managed to inhale to the count of five and exhale to the count of five successfully than you managed to regulate your body to breathing at an optimal rate, (which by the way is six breaths per minute.) If you are over six breaths per minute, that's okay too. Simply continue to practice this exercise daily and see if you can at least lower your breaths per minute that you wrote down in step 2.
Even if you practice this exercise once a day for 5-15 minutes I believe you will discover a greater sense of peace and well-being throughout your day. Give it a shot! See for yourself what less than 15 minutes of self care a day can do for your mind, body and well-being.

Is your morning cough irritating you? Are you constantly short of breath? Do you find smoking in the rain a chore, a pain you can do without?
Now, let me ask you this question: when you are deeply focused on something you thoroughly enjoy, where you are sitting at the edge of your seat, how often do you think, “I want a cigarette?”
For example, when you are totally engrossed in a movie, or immersed watching your favourite sport and your much-loved team, or listening to a speech, do you think of cigarettes? Probably not.
Why’s that? It is because your mind is deeply focused on something you enjoy, something that is by far more enjoyable than a cigarette. So if you can go without a cigarette for that duration, it goes to show that you can do without smoking when you deeply want to.
I believe one very powerful way to stop smoking is to distract your thoughts away from your itchy fingers who want to reach out for a cigarette, away from the craving of that deadly nicotine.
If you are a smoker who plays a particular sport in the evenings or at the weekends, do you smoke while you are playing? No, you don’t. You conditioned yourself that when you play you don’t smoke. As a matter of fact, smoking doesn’t even enter your mind. In much the same way, you conditioned yourself that you must have a smoke after the game when having an alcoholic drink.
You see, it’s all a matter of conditioning. You change your conditioning and you change your habits. Soon enough you will also enjoy an alcoholic beverage without the need of a cigarette. You will be a non-smoker. How great is that?
The idea here is for you to stop focusing on cigarettes, and to stop thinking of quitting smoking. Simply, do not think of cigarettes and anything that has to do with smoking. Get those thoughts completely out of your head.
Don’t you find that if you don’t think of something it will not be on your mind all the time? If you constantly think about how bad smoking is for you and how desperately you want to give it up, you will end up yearning for a smoke. No matter which way you think of smoking, the idea of smoking will remain in your mind and more than likely you will go out and light one up.
It is great that you realise that you need to quit smoking, but constantly thinking about it is not helpful at all. This will make you want to smoke even more.
So my concept here is for you to make that commitment that you want to quit smoking. Decide on when you want to break away from that damaging habit, and put that date on your calendar. And leave it at that; do not dwell on it.
When the date arrives, throw away everything and anything that reminds you of smoking. Let’s use the ‘out of sight out of mind theory’. The next step is for you to constantly keep your mind occupied on other issues; such as playing more sports or starting an exercise routine, or if the weather is nice go for a walk, go to the park and feed the ducks.
Do whatever it takes to keep your mind off cigarettes and quitting smoking, and start enjoying the other good things in your life. Take pleasure in enjoying what is out there.
To help you along in the first few weeks when you quit smoking, it would be better for you to be aware of the places and situations where you are more likely to smoke; for example, a bar or restaurant. It will be advantageous for you to avoid such places in the beginning.
Change your routine, go to a smoke-free movie theatre, instead of drinking alcohol while barbequing drink plentiful water or fruit juice.
Remember, keep focused on the good that is happening to you: you sleep better, you’re coughing less, you have more breath to run around the field on a Sunday, you smell better, you dance more, you sound better on a Karaoke night and so much more.
Make enjoying your life your centre of attention. Be healthy to get up and about so you may enjoy life more. It is there for your enjoyment, so make full use of it.
Let living a healthy and enjoyable life be your focal point; put the spotlight on it and live it up.

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