Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dinesh Malshe


hy plant trees? Because they change lives. They provide food, forage for animals, and wood for fuel and construction. They increase agricultural yields, improve water infiltration and aquifer recharge, and protect soils from wind and water erosion.
However, planting trees can be difficult when the canopy has disappeared, topsoil has been eroded, and the climate and growing conditions have changed.
As an agroforestry resource center, we work with local farmers and community groups to help them better support themselves, and to restore degraded lands to sustainable productivity by planting trees that not only thrive in poor soil conditions, but that also benefit the local area in a multitude of ways. Through our worldwide network of technicians, volunteers, and community leaders, we help rehabilitate environments across the globe.
Since 1989, Trees for the Future has aided thousands of communities in Central America, Africa, and Asia by planting nearly 65 million trees.
Break tree plant… next finish plant….next step new tree, How year new tree used be ready plant?
Early health body dead, late tree plant herbal…

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·       . Fruits and vegetables
·       . Whole Grains.
·       . Lean meat, and poultry and low-fat dairy products.

Baldness and dandruff are among the most per-vastive hair and scalp problems. Hair loss may be either the result of illness of a normal generic response to testosterone, the male sex hormone.
Dandruff-excessive scaling of the scalp-affects more than 50 percent of the population. It my be due to stress of a chronic or recurrent skin disorder, such as sebor-rheic dertmatitis, but the most likely cause to infection by Pytyrosponam ovale fungus. This fungus  is found naturally on the scalp but some people are more affected by it than others. It feeds on the skin’s natural oils and causes irritation and shedding of dead skin.
Hair is composed of the protein keratin. Other nutrients that contribute to hair and scalp health include niacin, biotin, zinc and vitamins A, B6 and C. A varied diet based on the basic food groups should provide ample amounts of these nutrients. Because hair is inert material, shampoos and rinses enriched with protein or other nutrients cannot affect hair growth or make hair “healthier”.

A healthy human head has from 80,000 to 1,50,000 hairs, each of which passes through three phases of growth independently of all the  others. At any time, 90 percent of the hairs are in the growing stage (anagen), which lasts any-where from 1 to 5 years. Growth is followed by a resting phase ( telogen); this ends after a few months, after which the hair is shed (catagen) to allow new growth. A daily loss of 50 to 200 hairs is a normal part of the cycle.
          Although baldness is mediated by hormonal factors, it tends to run in families; your risk may be deduced from the number of bald males among members of both parents’ families.
          Abnormal hair loss may be precipitated by metabolic disorders (including diabetes, thyroid disease, and crash diets); damage to hair shafts caused by harsh treatments, stress brought on by illness, hormonal changes of pregnancy; medical treatment,  including cancer chemo-therapy; and very severe scalp disorders.
          When diet is involved, the cause may be  grossly excessive intake of vitamin A or a deficiency of iron, biotin, zinc, or protein. Such deficiencies are rare, although an excessive intake of raw egg whites can lead to s depletion of biotin.
          Hair loss due to stress or drug treatment is generally temporary. Hair that falls out during a crash diet soon regrows once nutrition returns to normal. Hair lost in patches usually grows back without treatment, but in some instances, corticosteroid injections may be needed. The only medicines for baldness are minoxidil (Rogaine), a topical medicine, and finas-teride (Propecia), and oral prescription drug.

          Many people shed flakes of dandruff, especially in winter, when the scalp may be dry, when the scalp may be dry. But some people have a hereditary tendency to develop skin problems that are triggered by sensitivity to specific foods. Because the offending food varies from one person to the next, the only reasonable advice is to avoid foods that seem to make dandruff worse. Some cases of dandruff may respond to flaxseed oil, which seems to help itchy skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Take 1 to 2 teaspoons a day. You’ll need to wait several weeks or months to see an effect.
          To control mild dandruff, doctors usually recommend shampooing daily until the dandruff is under control, followed by twice weekly for maintenance. Dandruff shampoos contain zinc pyrithione, tar, or selenium sulfide, all of which work as exfoliants to hasten the shedding of the dead cell layer from the scalp. If these do not work well, shampoos that contain the antifungal medication ketoconazole can be tried.

COPPER  : A  component of many enzymes, copper is essential for making red blood cells, skin pigment, connective tissue, and nerve fibers; it also stimulates absorption of iron. Excessive zinc appears to reduce the body’s ability to absorb and store copper. Copper deficiency results n anemia, deterioration of the heart muscle, inelastic blood vessels, various skeletal defects, nerve degeneration, skin and hair abnormalities, and infertility.
          Liver is the richest source of copper, but the mineral is also found in sea-food, legume, nuts and seeds, prunes, and barley. Using unlined copper pans can result is copper toxicity. Excessive copper can cause severe liver disease and metal deterioration, several metabolic disorders can cause a buildup copper in the liver and other tissues. Patients suffering from Wilson’s disease, for example, must take medication to eliminate the copper from their bodies.

Our body metabolizes simple carbohydrates starches into glucose, or blood sugar, the body’s primary source of fuel. Carbohydrates are high-quality fuels because-compared to proteins or  fats-little is required of the body to break them down in order to release their energy.
Glucose, the only form of carbohydrate that the body can use immediately, is essential for the functioning of the brain, nervous system, muscles and various organs.
Glycemic index (GI) researchers are learning that the rate at which carbohydrate-rich foods are digested and absorbed into the bloodstream also affect health. The rate at which a food causes bloodsugar to rise can be measured and assigned a numerical value. This measure is referred to as the food’s glycemic index ( see Glycemic Index). Foods with a low GI such as pumpernickel bread, rye bread, brown rice, bulgur, oatmeal, lentils, yarns, apples, pears, and yogurt take longer to digest and causes a slower, more slowly. Leading to more consistent energy leveis. Low-GI foods are better for blood sugar control in diabetics and may help with weight loss. The carbohydrates in high-GI foods such as white bread, white rice. Mashed potato, corn flakes, and watermelon are more quickly absorbed and so provide a quicker source of energy. For active people high-GI foods can be a source of quick energy to aid short-duration sports performance and recovery, while lower-GI foods are better for endurance.
When glucose reserves run low, the body turns first to protein and then to fat for conversion into glucose. Burning protein, however, robs the body of lean muscle tissue. In addition< if the body has to burn fat in the absence of carbohydrates, tonic  by-products called ketones are released; these can lead to a potentially dangerous biochemical imbalance.   

The quality of sleep has an enormous impact on daily life, since poor or disordered sleep can affect your work. Concentration, and ability to interact with others. During sleep, both physical and mental restoration take place, allowing you to feel fresh and alert in the morning .
Sleep needs vary from one person to another, the optimal average is 7 to 9 hours. You can judge whether or not you’re getting the right amount by how you feel the next day- too much or too little sleep leave person feeling tired and irritable. Because growth hormones are released during sleep, babies, children, and adolescents require more sleep than adults do .
what makes us sleep ?
This is still not fully understood but scientists know that a person’s circulation rhythm is established shortly after birth and is then maintained as a “body clock”. Some natural chemicals in the body enhance sleep and diet plays a part. Here are some things that are known to affect sleep.
§  Eating too much or too little can disturb sleep.
A light snack at bedtime can promote sleep, but too much food can cause digestive discomfort that leads to wakefulness.
§  Alcohol is a double-edged sword.
Small amounts of alcohol can help you fall asleep.
Alcohol can worsen insomnia and also impair rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the time when the body is in its restorative phase. It can also dehydrate you. Leaving you tired the next day.
§  Cafteine can disturb sleep.
Any food or leverage that contains caffeine can disturb sleep. Although this is not true for everyone. If you are sensitive to caffeine, avoid it in the afternoon and evening.
§  Forgot the fat.
If you consume a high-fat meal in the evening foods that you have found cause you indigestion and heartburn, you sleep can be disturbed restless.
§  Do not eat late at night
People who suffer from heartburn or acid reflux should avoid late, heavy meals that delay the emptying  of the stomach Lying down with a full stomach puts you at a gravitational disadvantage, encouraging acids and gastric juices to flow up into the esophagus, causing uncomfortable heartburn that will make sleep more challenging.
§  Drinking fluids too close to bedtime can cause problems.
Avoid fluids after dinner to reduce the need to go the bathroom during the night.

Two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen (H2O) water is the most abundant substance in the human body, accounting for up to 60 percent of our body weight. Even though water has no calories or other nutrients. We can go for only a few days without it. In contrast, a healthy person can survive for 6 to 8 weeks without food. A loss of only 5 to 10 percent of body water results in serious dehydration, while a 15 to 20 percent loss is usually fatal.

Water is essential to virtually every  body function, including digestion, absorption, and transport of nutrients, elimination of body waste, and regulation of body temperature, as well as many other chemical processes. It provides a protective cushion for body cells, and in the form of amniotic and is the base of all blood and fluid that lubricate our organs and joints. It also keeps our skin soft and smooth.
As our body ages, it becomes dryer. The body of a newborn infant is 75 to 80 percent water, compared to 50 percent after age 65 or 70. This drying out is reflected in the wrinkled skin, reduced saliva flow, and stiffened joints that occur naturally with aging.

How much do we  need ?
The human body needs enough water to ensure that the urine is pale, not dark or  bright yellow. For the average adult this may translate to six to eight glasses of water a day. Most of this comes from drinks-plain water, coffee, tea, juices, soft drinks-but surprisingly there’s a substantial amount in foods as well. Fruits  and vegetables, for example, are 70 to 95 percent water, compared to 75 percent of an egg. 40 to 60 percent of meat, poultry, and fish and 35 percent of bread.
Our daily needs vary a lot. We need  more water in hot weather. During exercise, or when we have a fever, cold or other illness. We also need more during pregnancy to provide for the amniotic, fluid and the expanded blood volume, as well as to meet the needs of the developing fetus, Nursing mothers need to increase their fluid intake to produce milk, which is 87 percent water.

§  Stimulates the central nervous systems.
§  Can help you step awake and alert.
§  May contribute to difficulty falling asleep and disturbed or reduced sleep.
§  Drinking large amounts can cause irritability and jittery nerves.
§  Increases excretion of calcium.

§  A refreshing stimulant that is almost calorie-free if taken plain.
§  Contains antioxidants and bioflavonoids, which may lower the risk of cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
§  Contains tannins, which may provide protection against tooth decay.
§  Herbal teas are caffeine-free.
§  Tannins decrease iron absorption if tea is consumed with meals.
§  Has a diuretic effect that increases urination.
§  May cause insomnia in caffeine-sensitive

§  Provides a concentrated form of fruits and vegetables.
§  Juicing removes pulp and fiber.
§  Juices can be high in calories.

§  Can elevate moods in some people.
§  Like other plant foods, it contains
§  It tastes great !
§  High in calories and fat
§  May trigger migraine headaches.

·         A good source  of calcium
·         Provides protein and digestible, high-calorie nutrition during an illness.
·         High in saturated fat and sugar

Federal standards decree that ice cream must be made with a minimum of 10 percent cream, milk or butter fat.  Manufactures may add various other ingredients, as well as enough air to double its volume.  In general, the least expensive ice creams contain the minimum 10 percent fat and the maximum air, while the premium commercial brands have double the fat and half the air.
It is fat that gives ice cream its smooth texture; manufacturers of nonfat and low-fat ices and frozen yogurts compensate for the lack of fat by increasing the sugar-by up to twice the amount-and beating in less air.
Both soft ice cream and ice milk are 3 to 6 percent fat and 30 to 50 percent air. Sherbets are usually made with a small amount of milk fat and milk with a small amount of milk fat and milk solids or, sometimes, egg white. Fruit ices, on the other hand, tend to be made with fruit pulp or juice, sugar and water, with the possible addition of pectin or ascorbic acid. Most of these products contain about 200 calories per cup. Even a half cup of fat-free frozen yogurt with artificial sweetener has about 50 calories.

§  An excellent source of protein, B vitamins, vitamins A and D, zinc, and iron.
§  A source of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin.

§  Yolks are high in cholesterol.
§  A common cause of food allergy.
§  A risk of salmonella if not fully cooked.

§  An excellent source of calcium
§   A good source of vitamins A, B12 and D, riboflavin, phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium
§  Low-fat dairy products are low in cholesterol and high in protein.
§  Whole milk and cream contain saturated fat.
§  Some people cannot digest milk sugar.
§  Milk protein can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible people.

§  An excellent source of complete protein, iron, and other minerals.
§  Some are high in vitamin A.
§  Contains omega-3 fatty acids.
§  Some may harbor PCBs, mercury, and other pollutants.
§  Often expensive

§  Foods high in protein and zinc, such as lean meat, poultry, fish and shellfish, eggs, and legumes, to promote healing and tissue repair.
§  Water, broth, fruit juices and other non-alcoholic beverages to replace fluid loss.
§  Fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C to foster healing.

§  Major sources of high-quality protein.
§  Contain a wide range of nutrients, especially  vitamin B12 , iron, niacin, and zinc.
§  Beef fat contains saturated fat, which can increase blood cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease.
§  A high-meat diet may raise the risk of colon cancer and other cancers
§  Rare ground beef is a source of E, coli. 

§  Moderate consumption cuts heart-attack risk by raising HDL cholesterol and reducing the risk of blood clot formation.
§  May protect the brain against age-related dementia.
§  In small amounts, if can improve appetite and aid digestion.
§  May faster a happy mood.
§  Can provoke mood swings, aggression, and hangovers. Can be addictive.
§  Interacts with many medications.
§  Over time, moderate to high intake increases the risk of cancers, as well as heart and liver disease.

§  Meat, poultry, liver, eggs, mild, nuts, and other high-calorie, high=protein foods to prevent weight and muscle loss.
§  Pasta, rice, and other starchy foods, cooked vegetables,  juices, and canned or stewed fruits for essential vitamins and minerals.
§  Small meals/snacks through the day.
§  fatty foods and whole-grain products if they cause diarrhea.
§  Coffee, tea, and other caffeinated drinks that can cause diarrhea and reduce absorption of some nutrients.
§  Raw or undercooked foods, especially shell-fish, eggs, and meats.
§  Alcohol, which can worsen diarrhea and interact with AIDS medications.

§  Moderate consumption my decrease the risk of heart disease and certain cancers.
§  Contains bioflavonoids, phenols, and tannins, which have health benefits.
§  Promotes relaxation.
§  May trigger allergies and migraine headaches in some people and increase the risk of a rare type of stroke.
§  Excessive consumption can cause liver diseases, cancer , and birth defects.

A good night’s sleep problem solver
§  Keep a sleep log for several weeks to help identify activities and behavior that may interfere with your sleep. Each day, write down the times you wake up and to bed, and when you drink caffeinated beverage, exercise, and take naps.
§  Exercise regularly, preferably in the late afternoon. Do not exercise strenuously within 2 to 3 hours of bedtime, as this may impair your ability to fall asleep.
§  Don’t take a long nap during the day; this may make it more difficult to fall asleep at night.
§  Eat at regular times during the day, and avoid a heavy meal close to bedtime.
§  After lunch, stay away from anything that contains caffeine.
§  Don’t smoke, if you can’t quit, at least try not to smoke for an hour or two before bedtime.
§  Avoid excessive mental stimulation before bedtime.
§  Establish a schedule to help regulate your body’s inner clock. Go to bed and get up at about the same times every day, and follow the same bedtime preparations each night to create a sleep ritual.
§  A warm bath or a few minutes of reading in bed, listening to soothing music, or meditating are all useful sleep rituals. Try each one to see what works for you.
§  Keep your bedroom dark and quick. If you can’t block outside noise, mask it with an inside noise. Such as the hum of a fan.
§  Use your bedroom only for sleeping, not for working or watching TV.
§  Wear nightclothes that are loose-fitting and comfortable.
§  If your worries keep you awake at night, deal with them some other time. Devote 30 minutes after dinner to writing down problems and possible solutions, and then try to set them aside.
§  If you can’t sleep, don’t stay in bed fretting for more than 15 minutes or so. Get up, go to another room, and read or watch TV until you are sleepy. Be sure to get up at your regular time the next day.
§  Milk, and honey promote sleep. Milk contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that is among the natural dietary sleep induces.  Tryptophan works by increasing the amount of serotonin, a natural sedative, in the brain. This is why so many folk remedies include warm milk with a tea-spoonful or honey, a simple sugar. A turkey sandwich provides another sleep-including combination of tryptophan and carbohydrates. A banana with milk gives you vitamin B6 which helps convert tryptophan to serotonin.

 Insomnia can be one of the symptoms of anxiety, depression, or stress, or it can be caused by a medical problem. Overcoming the underlying cause of these disorders is essential to improving the quality of sleep, but attention to nutrition and other aspects of sleep lymphoma can also help.
Obesity may interfere with sleep if it affects breathing. Sleep apnea is a potentially serious sleep disorder in which a pattern of loud snoring builds to a crescendo, after which the person stops breathing and awakens briefly. It is more common in overweight people, especially middle-aged men. People with obstructive apnea can stop breathing for 10 seconds or longer a hundred or move times a night . muscle cramps and restless leg, a vague discomfort relieved only be moving the legs, can also interfere with sleep.

§  An excellent source of protein, B vitamins, vitamins A and D, zinc, and iron.
§  A source of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin.

§  Yolks are high in cholesterol.
§  A common cause of food allergy.
§  A risk of salmonella if not fully cooked.

§  An excellent source of calcium
§   A good source of vitamins A, B12 and D, riboflavin, phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium
§  Low-fat dairy products are low in cholesterol and high in protein.
§  Whole milk and cream contain saturated fat.
§  Some people cannot digest milk sugar.
§  Milk protein can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible people.

§  An excellent source of complete protein, iron, and other minerals.
§  Some are high in vitamin A.
§  Contains omega-3 fatty acids.
§  Some may harbor PCBs, mercury, and other pollutants.
§  Often expensive

§  Foods high in protein and zinc, such as lean meat, poultry, fish and shellfish, eggs, and legumes, to promote healing and tissue repair.
§  Water, broth, fruit juices and other non-alcoholic beverages to replace fluid loss.
§  Fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C to foster healing.
§  Major sources of high-quality protein.
§  Contain a wide range of nutrients, especially  vitamin B12 , iron, niacin, and zinc.
§  Beef fat contains saturated fat, which can increase blood cholesterol levels and the risk of cardiovascular disease.
§  A high-meat diet may raise the risk of colon cancer and other cancers
§  Rare ground beef is a source of E, coli. 

Regular physical activity does wonders for your health, your shape, and your mood. No matter what your age, health, and level of fitness, there’s a form of exercise to suit you.
Exercise burns calories; it also keeps bones healthy, improves cardiovascular performance, enhances digestion, tones the muscles and the skin, and increases your change of getting a restful night’s sleep. In addition to its physical benefits, exercise activates the brain to release endorphins, morphinelike natural painkillers that soothe pain and create a sense of emotional well-being. Endorphins are responsible for the “runner high” that many athletes experience. They help to explain why exercise has a positive impact on your state of mind and ability to manage stress.

The paradox of exercise is that by expending energy you can increase energy. By improving the hearts, performance and ability to pump blood, aerobic exercise makes your body more energy-efficient, and you consume less oxygen when going about normal daily activities. In effect, it is like tuning up a car’s engine and getting better gas mileage. If you are unused to regular exercise, however, you may feel a bit stiff or sore and fatigued at first. Start slowly, perhaps adding only 10 minutes of activity three times a week, and gradually build up the intensity and duration of your workout. After a few weeks of following a regular exercise regimen, most people report a surge of energy.

In this sedentary  society you need to schedule regular exercise to keep your body trim and improve your health. If you eat more food than your body uses up in energy, the surplus calories are stored as fat. The only way to lose weight and keep it off is to combine a healthy low-calorie diet with regular aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or aerobic dancing. By speeding up breathing and raising your heart rate, aerobic exercise helps to burns body fat. Undertaking an exercise program however, doesn’t give you a license to eat all the French fries, fudge, and brownies you can lay your hands on. On the contrary, a balanced diet is essential to provide the energy you need to sustain a regular exercise program

When you exercise aerobically, your body first burns the glucose circulating, it then turns to the glycogen stored in the muscles and the liver, as well as some fatty acids. Thus, an exercise session longer than about 20 minutes burns more fat and helps to shed weight and keep it off. Endurance training increases the amount f fatty acids being burned. Therefore, the best way to promote fat burning is steady.

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Tom Venuto
Fat Loss Coach

Hello newsletter,
Subject  :  Nature and Health
Real weight loss
The weight connection
The prevalence type 2 diabetes is increasing as more baby boomers move into the high-risk age groups and became increasingly over-weight. Not every overweight person will get diabetes, but 85 percent of type 2 diabetics weigh more than they should. Extra fat, especially abdominal fat in the “apple-shape” body, is associated with insulin resistance. Newly diagnosed, overweight type 2 diabetics may banish the disease by adopting a healthier lifestyle to reach and maintain their ideal weight. Even if they don’t reach their ideal weight, any loss makes the disease easier to control with diet and exercise alone. 
Gestational diabetes can complicate pregnancy for both mother and baby. The effects of hormonal changes and weight gain during pregnancy increase demands on the pancreas and can lead to insulin resistance. Gestational diabetes can strike any expectant  mother but is most likely in those who are over 30 years of age and overweight, as well as those who 9lb (4 kg) or a family history of gestational or type 2 diabetes.
All women should have a blood test for diabetes between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy. If gestational diabetes is diagnosed, the mother will need to modify her diet and monitor weight gain carefully; she may require daily insulin injections for the rest of the pregnancy. Although this type of diabetes usually disappears almost immediately after childbirth, women who have had it are at high risk for type 2 diabetes in later years.
While eating apples or applesauce can help ease diarrhea, drinking apple juice can have the opposite effect. In fact, drinking too much fruit juice of any kind is often the cause of diarrhea in toddlers. 
Now , unwell u ill?  When to call a doctor 2 days without consulting :
Mild diarrhea can usually be self-managed But Call your doctor promptly for any of the
·    Diarrhea that lasts more than 2 days (1 day for a child under 2, a frail elderly person, or someone with diabetes) or if it worsens during that time.
·    The appearance of blood, mucus, or worms in the feces.
·    Severe abdominal pain.
·    Diarrhea that is accompanied by vomiting or fever.

Choose nutritious protein sources.  There is no research to support either an increased or decreased protein intake for uncomplicated diabetes, so the recommended amounts for non-diabetics is also appropriate for adults with diabetes. High-quality protein foods(lean meats, meat substitutes, and lower-fat dairy foods) should supply 10 to 20 percent of daily calories.
High-protein weight-loss diets
High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets are a very popular weight-loss regime. While people do lose weight on these diets, there is concern about the effects of high protein and high fat intakes on kidney function, bone health, cardiovascular function, and cancer rates. A diet that is high in protein is likely to be low in fruits and consequently low in the numerous beneficial compounds that fruits provide.
Fasting - It is very beneficial in healing physically, mentally and morally because it not only will purify the body but will strengthen, will power, and self control. 
(Non  Medical  General Knowledge)
 When people want to lose-weight, they usually want instant results?

·    Any weight-loss plan needs for a lifetime
·    How do u ? Daily day-24 hours
·    Eat plenty of
·    Dieting - keeping the weight off
·    Drink plenty of fluids-especially water
Slimming Bother?
Useful points on weighing yourself
·    Check your weight, don’t guess.
·    Use the same scale.
·    Keep the scale in the same place.
·    Weigh at the same time of the day preferably first thing in the morning.
·    Stand still on the scale distributing your weight evenly.
5 Rules for healthy vegetarian eating
1.   Choose a variety of foods, including whole grains, vegetables, fruits,
Legumes, nuts, seeds and, if desired, dairy products and eggs. 
2.   Choose whole, unrefined foods often and limit highly sweetened, fatty,
and heavily refined foods.
3.   Choose a variety of fruits and vegetables.
4.   If  dairy products and eggs are included, choose lower-fat dairy products in
5.   Use a regular source of vitamin B12 and, if sunlight exposure is limited,
vitamin D.

Tips for taking it off
·    Eat breakfast, and don’t skip meals.
·    Choose your carbs carefully.
·    Eat lower on the glycemic index.
·    Choose bulky foods.
·    Watch out for low-fat foods.
·    Downsize your portions.
·    Drink plenty of fluids - especially water.
·    Don’t deprive yourself.
·    Keep your eye on the mirror.
·    Never fast.

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