Sunday, August 17, 2008

Human evolution were worked farmer, environment and make not money doctor , medicine. The human evolution was his body with thick hair, fallen not ill-fever & unfit ???. Now The animal & bird are more hair his body , fallen not ill-fever & unfit. and people are his body less hair, air - wind stormy by body unfit. u go to medical & where good medicine, loss make money.
Before year some population were researched discovery medical, medicine, but never good natural medicine. Why medicine used be kill people? The doctor & students did mistake. Normal fit people used not be medicine. Unfit people used be GENERAL medicine only, but Avoid tobacco, smoke, drink alcohol dead people. The medicine are not available/utilize tobacco, smoke, alcohol. And Weight-fat people used be nutrition diet. Weight-fat used not be medicine.
An environment is clean city, why not city clean? Touch unclean city, dirty eat/drink by damage body. The medicine never available on long late time, early dead people. A doctor stop work by patient change other work patient . The doctor stop emergency work, doctor’s parent, out work, children problem home & pick phone, mobile.

Now year more population crowd consultant by medical , doctor. A doctor work busy time, busy work mistake, emergency work not time. work long time, early dead people.

Weight-fat is manufacture diet nutrition used be with fruit & vegetable and not used be medicine.( NOT kill people) The health are available remedy diet hence unfit, stop emergency medical & save make money.


“Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food” advised Hippocrates more than 2,000 years ago. An alluring notion, to be sure. And certainly a sensible one given that food is the source of all of the components that make up the human body. But the famous Greek physician’s dietary prescriptions were hampered by a lack of under-sanding of the chemical complexity of food and the intricacies of human physiology.
Throughout history; advances in nutrition came about more or less through chance discoveries. Jacques Cartier’s second voyage to the new world in 1535 is a typical example. Many of Cartier’s men came down with scurvy, a potentially deadly ailment for which the French explorers had no solution. But the Iroquois did! These people of the first nations of North America showed the sailors how to strip leaves from a white cedar tree and boil them into a tea that was rich in vitamin C. Today we know why drinking the tea had an almost miraculous effect. Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C, which is present in cedar but was almost nonexistent in the explorer’s diet while at sea.
By the 20th century researchers had discovered a number of links between diet and health. In addition to vitamin C, it became clear that 12 other vitamins, a host o minerals and a proper blend of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins were required to prevent deficiency diseases. Then as such deficiency diseases were eliminated, at least in the developed world, researchers began to shift their attention to tackling the modern plagues of heart disease, cancer and obesity. Information accumulated quickly and the first edition of Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal, published in 1977, was able to make concrete recommendations about which foods to eat and which to avoid. Since then nutritional research has exploded, allowing us to fine-tune our recommendations and offer new advice.
Tating a fresh look at various weight-loss programs. So, in this updated edition, we examine low-carb diets and investigate new findings about the glycemic index of foods. But of course, there is more to life than weight control. Recent research has used epidemiological studies, laboratory experiments, and clinical trials to tease out information about certain components of foods and help determine which ones fight disease. We discovered that lignans in flaxseed may reduce the risk of certain cancers, that beta glucan in oats lowers cholesterol, and that omega-3 fats in fish fight heart disease and maybe even depression, as well as ease allergies and inflammation-related arthritis pain. Lycopene, the red pigment in tomatoes, can reduce the risk of prostate cancer, and sulforaphane in broccoli has decided anticancer properties.
In the wake of new research findings, food itself is changing. Stanols, isolated from pine trees, are being added to some margarines to reduce blood cholesterol; inulin from chicory, which fosters the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, is sometimes added to foods such as yogurt, and some eggs now contain omega-3 fats. On the other hand, we have also learned that hydrogenating fats introduces undesirable trans fatty acids into our food supply, and that many dietary supplements may not live up to the hype that surrounds them.
Numerous food and health questions arise everyday in our lives, and the information available is often confusing. Are artificial sweeteners safe? Can specific foods control the symptoms of menopause? Does sugar make children hyperactive? Is a glass of red win a day good for us? In this book we address all of these issues, give you the most recent scientific findings, and make practical dietary recommendations that everyone can understand. As our population ages and medical and drug costs soar, it is becoming vitally important to learn how to avoid and treat various problems through the best food choices. Many experts have shared their views about such choices here and have ensured that the reader will be armed with the most up-to-date information about foods that harm and foods that heal.
Joe Schwarcz, Ph.D.
Director, Mcgill university
Office for Science and Society

Does this sound familiar? You finally get it into your head that margarine is better for you than butter, and then you hear a news report that in fact, some margarine might be even worse than butter-unless you buy the right kind. Or maybe you’re confused by the advice of health :experts,” some of whom tell you to eat less meat, while others insist it should be front and center on your plate.
The story of food has as many twists and turns as a bowl of fusilli (pasta itself being one of the hottest subjects of debate.) Yet you don’t want to spend your time unraveling its mysteries. You just want to enjoy delicious food and I know that what you’re eating is good for you- maybe even good enough to keep the doctor away (or, since doctors no longer make house calls, to keep you away from the doctor.) Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal will show you how.
Look up Chocolate and you’ll find out why dark chocolate is better for you than milk chocolate. The Nuts and Seeds entry explains why peanut butter is now considered a good-for-you food. Tomatoes tells an anticancer tale so compelling you’ll want to fire up a jar of sauce for that bowl of fusilli right away. Elsewhere, read about the surprising, newly discovered benefits of beer and coffee.
Food can do more than keep you healthy. Like the best modern medicines, it can also help heal what ails you. If you have a specific health concern, such as arthritis or diabetes, look it up here to learn what the right diet can do. More that 80 ailment entries reflect the latest, best thinking on which foods can tame inflammation, stop an asthma attack, clean your arteries, and even guard against Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and cancer. Turn to Depression and find inspiring reasons to eat more fish. And read Hay Fever to learn which plant foods can actually trigger symptoms.
Because the food and ailment entries are special features dedicated to key topics including Fast Food, genetically Modified Organisms, Low-Carb Diets, Pesticides and Pollutants, and Probiotics. Use them to find answers to such questions as : which fish answer to such questions as : Which fish have the lowest levels of mercury? Is organic produce worth the price? Do grilled foods cause cancer? Turn to Glycemic Index to find out how to choose foods that will give you more energy and improve your mood. Check Dieting to learn which mineral can help you lose weight. And in omega-3a and omega-6s, discover how these “goods” fata can benefit people with arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease, and where to get them.
A team of medical and nutritional experts sifted through the latest scientific studies and reports in order to separate myths from facts and help us create the most authoritative, up-to-date food reference possible. Use it to clear up nagging confusion over carbohydrates, cholesterol, fats, and more. Follow its practical advice about the foods you eat every day and how to buy and how to buy and prepare them. Trust it to help you make subtle changes to your diet that will pay off in big benefits over time.
There’s no doubt that the right diet is the best prescription of better health. And now we know more than ever before about the power of food to prevent, treat, and even cure major ailments and minor annoyances. With Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal you can use that information to look better, function better, feel better-and enjoy more years of eating well…

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