Saturday, May 3, 2008

Medicinal uses
German chamomile has been used for centuries as a medicinal plant, mostly for digestive disorders. It is also a mild sedative, calming the nervous system. The essential oil has an anti-inflammatory effect on mucous membranes; a chamomile steam inhalation will help to ease sinusitis and asthma.
In 1979, german researchers found that bisabol was an anti-inflammatory, while French scientists in 1983 proved the herb’s antiviral effects against polio and herpes.
The plant’s anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties make it a good remedy for stomach aches and period pains. It also eases bloating due to excessive wind.
Down five year children polio pulse…

Did Doctor use mistake polio over five year?
why use not polio pulse down five year children?
Hence handicap physically

How are we going to find the cure for old age?Through stem cell research including therapeutic cloning and genomics research.The most difficult part of the nearly unthinkable has already been done. Through therapeutic cloning technologies we can take a patients cell back to the beginning of life. Now all that's lacking is to perfect these technologies and take them from the bench to the patient. The Koreans human cloning experiments have opened the door wider on therapeutic cloning. We here at Gen Cells Cures have found that the Korean's new technique of squeezing out the DNA from the egg cell works much better than sucking out the DNA with a tiny needle. Their cloning process was a spectacular achievememt.Our biologists can re-set your aging clock. It's just a matter of time. Take a look at your own clock. What time is it? What year is it? How old am I? Where has my life gone? If you want to get the staight scoop on aging contact Miller Quarles of the "Curing Old Age Foundation" or ask Harry Bernstein ("How Do I Move On Without My Soulmate?" Newsweek). From King Tut to Howard Hughes we all face the same dread …No matter how well we succeed in life, we're all fated to loose it in the end to that pitiless serial killer- old age. So is Gen Cells Cures suggesting there is a cure right now? Absolutely not, and the anti-aging clinics may be just a little bit ahead of their time. We do disagree with some mainstream scientists in that they do not believe aging can be researched as a disease. We believe aging is at the top of list of the deadly incurable diseases that can be cured. The cure is just around the corner. But the research has to be done and the sooner the better because time waits for no one, no matter how big your wallet is. If you don't reach into your wallet and do the right thing. Sooner or later you won't even be able to lift a finger to write the check. Age can and will kill you. Make no mistake about it aging is a disease to be feared. Yes, the disease of aging brings out the fear of God. However, I believe God wouldn't have given us the ability to cure aging if he didn't want us to find the cure. Scientists have succeeded in extending the life of some model organisms and humans are next. Currently there is no magic pill. The magic pill will be found in research and to accelerate that research we are recomending private research. You have a family doctor and other specialists. The time has arrived for you to have your own life-sciences researchers. The future is in stem cell research, therapeutic cloning and gernomics!. Growing old is not all fun. We're proned to rheumatism, gout, vision loss, hearing loss, and worst of all sexual disfuntion. Some need new knees, new hips, a pacemaker. Aging can be cured the same as any other disease. There is a lack of funds and public support for genuine ant-aging research. Many people tend to see Cancer and Alzheimer's disease as theoreticaly curable, like polio, but aging as inevitable. There will always be the nay sayers until the cure arrives. We are very excited about the future possibilities from our specialzed research. What good is it if we find your cancer cure, heart disease cure, or stroke cure if we just turn around and let you die from old age. Those of us who have become convinced that aging is the root of nearly all late-life illnesses have not yet won over those of you who have the power to fund further research. For those of you who can see the light at the end of the tunnel for curing old age as we see it clearly shining on the other side of that tunnel may contact Gerald Armstrong from Gen Cells Cures. We can discuss your personal involvement in the cure for old age and other incurable diseases. Yes, even one person can make a difference in our futures and that one person could be you.

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