Thursday, April 10, 2008

1. Foods that trigger or worsen eczema.
2. External causes, such as wearing wool clothing next to the skin.

Eczema is an itchy, scaly rash often caused by sensitivity to foods, certain chemicals, or environmental conditions such as dryness. The rash is not always a true allergic reaction, but an immune system reaction to a normally harmless substance. Symptoms vary and can appear anywhere from a few minutes to several hours after exposure to the offending food or substance. Eczema runs in families, often along with a tendency to develop asthma, hay fever, or hives.

Certain food trigger eczema. Common culprits include eggs, dairy products, seafood, walnuts, and pecans. It is important to be tested for food allergies by a trained physician to avoid dietary limitations that may be unnecessary.
Cow’s milk can cause eczema in babies and small children; they may be able to tolerate goat’s milk or soy-based products.

Dryness may cause eczema by triggering the formation of free radicals and therefore may be countered by antioxidants such as beta carotene.

Chemicals in the environment probably trigger eczema more often than foods do. Common offenders include nickel, which is often used for making costume jewelry, and latex, which is used in household and industrial rubber gloves.
People in certain jobs are at high risk for developing eczema. Acrylic adhesive are a hazard for manicurists and their customers. For dental technicians, and for people who build models as a hobby. Athletes sometimes suffer sives used in bonding sneakers. Buying another brand of sneakers sometimes solves the problem.
Woolen clothing worn next to the skin can cause a rush. People sensitive to wool should also try to avoid skin-care products based on lanolin, the natural oil that is found in wool.
It makes sense to avoid known triggers. If your rash is worse in either hot or very cold weather, avoid extremes of temperature. Buy only soaps, detergents and toilet papers that are free of dyes and perfumes.

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