Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Currently one of the most controversial disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome often has flulike symptoms, no apparent cause, and no proven cute. It is marked by persistent, debilitating fatigue, as well as other baffling symptoms that include headaches, muscle aches and weakness, tender lymph nodes, sore throat, joint pain, sleep that doesn’t lead to feeling refreshed, difficulty concentrating, post exercise exhaustion that lasts for 24 hours, and short term memory problems. There may also be a chronic or recurring low-grade fever.
Although some claim that CFS is a new disorder ,doctors since the 1800s have reported similar disorders but given them different names, including hypoglycemia chronic Epstein-Barr virus, myalgic encephalomyelitis, and postviral fatigue syndrome. Many theories, regarding possible causes have been advanced, but none have been proven. Other possible contributing factors include prolonged stress, hormonal imbalance, low blood pressure, allergies, immune system disorders, and psy-chological problems.

Various medications are prescribed to treat CFS symptoms, but none appear to cure the disorder. Aspirin and other painkillers may alleviate headaches, joint pain and muscle soreness, and antidepressant drugs help some patients.

Although there is no known cure for CFS, certain nutrients in foods may help. Doctors stress the importance of a well-balanced diet.
Start with ample starches
fruits and vegetables help to provide the carbohydrates the body needs for energy. They also supply the vitamins needed to resist infection.
Avoid alcohol
It lowers immunity, so should be avoided, and caffeinated drinks should be used in moderation to minimize sleep problems.

1 comment:

suzieque said...

Great information! I have EBV now. Wish there was a cure. I have been sick off and on with it since the early 1990's. Everytime I think I'm over it, it shows up again. Any ideas on how to fight or keep it from coming back so often.