Friday, April 25, 2008

How remedy poison?
poison are not available medicine...
Research are remedy poison...

Medicinal uses
People have eaten this nutritious, sugar-rich fruit for thousands of years. The sugar and fibre in figs give them their famous laxative effect.
Flavonoids and coumarins in both the fruits and leaves contribute to fig’s digestive, soothing, calming and anti-inflammatory effects. Fig also helps to clear catarrh from the nose and throat, and to remove poisons. Eating the fruits can ease coughs, sore throats and the pain of various inflammatory conditions.
Researchers have investigated the use of figs in treating diabetes. A Spanish clinical trial published in 1998 found that people with type 1 (insulin-dependent - diabetes taking fig-leaf decoctions had lower blood sugar levels after eating meals.
In traditional medicine, the milky sap of the fig tree was applied externally to soothe minor aches, pains and insect bites, as well as to remove warts. However, the sap can burn and blister the skin and should be treated with caution.

Some varieties of fig do well against south-facing walls. Plant ready-bought young plants or cuttings in a well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil.
Parts used
Fruit, leaves and rarely, the sap
1. figs and fig leaves are used in tinctures and decoctions
2. The fruit is eaten fresh or dried
3. fig syrup is used as a mild laxative

· To date, there have been no reported adverse side effects or toxicity even after prolonged use.
· Remember that fig is a laxative
· Keep out of strong sunlight when using fig as the coumarins may induce photosensitization
· Do not take the sap internally.

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