Sunday, March 9, 2008

· Fatty fish as well as walnuts, soybeans, whole grains, flaxseed and canola oils for omega-3 fatty acids.
· Fresh fruits and vegetables for vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals.
· Small meals and snacks, if they are more appealing than large meats.

Alcohol in all forms

The liver, located in the upper right abdomen and protected h the ribs, performs thousands of vital chemical and metabolic functions-among them, the storage of fat-soluble vitamins, iron and other minerals, glycogen for future needs. It manufactures cholesterol, amino acids, and other essential compounds, removes waste substances from the blood, detoxifies alcohol and environmental chemicals, and metabolizes most medications.
Amazingly, our bodies can still function when only one-quarter of the liver is healthy enough to operate. When severely diseased or subjected to excessive abuse, however, the liver will fail-often with fatal results.
Liver diseases are common, but experts feel that many cases could be prevented by careful attention to diet and hygiene. The most common disorders are hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. Who have had certain types of viral hepatitis; but more often, the liver is the site of secondary cancers spread from other organs. The most recognized symptom of liver disease is jaundice, the yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes, cuased by a buildup of bile pigments in the skin.
People with liver disease are often deficient in the water-soluble vitamins, such as folate, niacin, and thiamine, as well as the fat-soluble vitamins. A and D. Even when food intake is maintained, alcohol places undue demands on the liver, which must preempt detoxifying it over its other metabolic functions liver disease is also linked with problems in metabolizing carbohydrates.

Eat small, frequent meals
The diet of a person recovering from a liver disorder should place the least burden on the organ; they should not eat fatty foods that are hard to digest. They often have a poor appetite and find it easier to eat frequent, nutritious snacks rather than meals.

Eat foods, rich in fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids seem to facilitate the processing of fats in the liver; a diet rich in these nutrients lowers the rate at which is beneficial for people with circulatory and heart problems.

Get lots of protein
It is important to include sufficient protein in the diet. A good supply of carbohydrates is needed to meet the body’s energy needs.

Consume plenty of vitamin D
Liver disease may cause a thinning of the bones if stores of vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium, are depleted; such cases may require calcium are depleted, such cases may require calcium and vitamin D supplements. For the most part, however, vitamins and minerals should be provided within the diet; supplements can upset the nutritional balance and, in the case of excessive iron, can cause severe liver damage.

Absolutely no alcohol
Alcohol should be avoided until complete recovery; in some cases, however, it must be eliminated for life.

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