Sunday, March 2, 2008

1. Citrus and other fruits and dark green or yellow vegetables for vitamin C, beta carotene, bioflavonoids, and the plant chemicals that protect against cancer.
2. Whole-grain breads and cereals and other high-fiber foods to promote smooth colon function.
1. Fatty foods, especially those high in saturated fats
2. Alcoholic beverages.
3. salt-cured, smoked, fermented, and charcoal-broiled foods.

· Foods that may contain pesticide residues and environmental pollutants.

Recent research has dramatically changed our thinking, about the role of diet in both the prevention and treatment of cancer. Researches estimate that at least 35 percent of all cancers may be related to diet, especially one high in fat and processed foods; they also believe that many of these cancers could be prevented by dietary changes.

Eat more fruits and vegetables
Compelling data associate a diet that provides ample fruits and vegetables with a reduced risk of many of our most deadly cancers. These foods are rich in bioflavonoids and other plant chemicals; dietary fiber; folate, and antioxidants beta carotene and vitamin C. All of these substances may slow, stop, or reverse the processes that can lead to cancer. They do so through several protective mechanisms; by neutralizing or detoxifying cancer-causing agents (carcinogens); by preventing precancerous changes in cellular genetic material due to carcinogens radiation, and other environmental factors; by inducing the formation of protective enzymes; and be reducing the hormonal action that can stimulate tumor growth. Folate is crucial for normal DNA synthesis and repair and low levels are thought to make cells vulnerable to carcinogenesis.

Reduce your fat intake
Equally important is a reduced intake of fats. Numerous studies link a high-fat diet and obesity with an increased risk of cancers of the colon, uterus, prostate, and skin (including melanoma, the most deadly form of skin cancer). The link between fat consumption and breast cancer is more controversial.
For example, choosing lean cuts of meat, trimming away all visible fat, eating vegetarian dishes several times a week, adopting low-fat cooking methods, such as baking and steaming, and limiting the use of added fats such as butter, margarine, mayonnaise, shortening, and oils.

Increased intake of fiber may protect against cancer in several ways. It speeds the transis of waste through the colon, which some researchers think cuts the risk of bowel cancer. A high-fiber, low-calorie diet also protects against obesity and the increased risk of cancers linked to excessive body fat.

Limits your alcohol intake- Doctors warn against heavy use of alcohol, which is associated with an increased risk of cancers of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, and liver. Alcohol can also deplete reserves of folate, thiamine, and other B vitamins, as well as selenium. Folate is known to reduce proliferation of cancer cells; low levels of folate are also associated with an increased risk of cervical cancer.

Smoking, more than any other lifestyle factor, increases the risk of cancer; stopping the habit is the most important step that a smoker can take to avoid cancer. In addition to lung cancer, smoking is strongly associated with cancers of the esophagus, mouth, larynx, pancreas, and bladder; recent studies also link it to an increased risk of breast cancer.
Low levels of vitamin C are linked to an increased risk of many of the cancers related to smoking. Because smoking works to deplete the body’s reserves of vitamin C, it’s good idea for smokers to increase their intake of citrus fruits and other good sources of this nutrient. Similarly, smoking can deplete the body’s stores of folate and other B-complex vitamins; increased consumption of lean meat, grains, fortified cereals, legumes, and green leafy vegetables may help counter this adverse effect.

A qualified nutritionist should be part of any cancer treatment team, because both the disease and its treatment demand good nutrition as an aid to recovery. Surgery, which still remains the major treatment for cancer, also requires a highly nutritious diet can cause nutritional problems that will require treatment along with the underlying disease; for example, colon cancer will often cause iron-deficiency anemia because of chronic intestinal bleeding.
Weight loss is common a loss of appetite as a patients. Most experience a loss of appetite as a result of the cancer itself; depression brought on by a diagnosis of a potentially fatal disease, as well as pain, understandably lessens any desire to eat. Cancer treatments, especially radiation and chemotherapy, curb appetite and produce nausea and other side effects.
Dietary guidelines for cancer patients must take into account the stage and type of malignancy. In most cases of early or localized cancer, patients are generally advised to follow a diet that is low in fat, high in whole-grain products and other starches; and high in fruits and vegetables, fats, especially from animal sources, are discouraged because they are believed to support tumor growth. In contrast fruits and vegetables contain an assortment of natural plant chemicals that are thought to retard the growth and spread of cancers.
Protein is essential because it helps the body repair tissue that has been damaged during treatment of the disease. Protein is also important for wound healing.

Flying in the face of conventional wisdom, however, are recent recommendations from a growing number of cancer specialists who discourage, urging, some cancer patients to eat when they don’t feel like it. A gastric feeding tube was recommended to maintain
nutrition, but these approaches usually did not result in weight gain or prolonged survival. Instead, many who were force-fed actually died sooner; experts now believe this may be because the feeding actually spurs tumor growth. Although it may be difficult for family members and friends to watch loved ones stop eating and progressively lose weight, informed physicians now urge that, in some situations, cachectic patients be allowed to limit food intake while doctors undertake aggressive therapy to destroy the tumor. Once this is accomplished, appetite returns, and the lost weight is regained as recovery take place.

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