Friday, February 22, 2008

Known Migraine Triggers
The triggers that can set off a migraine vary widely from one person to another. A number of the following triggers can be avoided entirely, others can at least be minimized.

Environmental triggers : These include glare, bright lights, loud noises, strong odors, cigarette smoke, and changes in temperature, weather or altitude.

Hormonal triggers : These experienced by women and are usually related to the menstrual cycle; they can also be caused by the use of estrogen supplements or high-estrogen oral contraceptives.

Activity triggers : These include irregular or no exercise, inadequate or excessive sleep, eyestrain, and motion sickness.

Emotional triggers : These tend to be the negative ones, such as anger, resentment, depression, fatigue, anxiety, and stress.

Dietary triggers : These may be the easiest to control. Keep a food diary, note what foods seem to prompt symptoms and then eliminate them. Eat regular meals, because hunger or a low blood sugar can trigger a headache.

What’s best to buy?
Since organic food is typically more expensive, it makes sense to shop selectively. One way to save money is to buy organic produce instead of non organic only for those foods where the non organic examples have been documented to have the highest pesticide residues by nonprofit research groups such as Consumers Union and the Environmental Working Group. Although there is no evidence that fruits and vegetables with higher residues pose a hazard, selecting the organic versions of these is a logical place to start…

Regular physical activity does wonders for your health, your shape and your mood. No matter what your age, health, and level of fitness, there’s a form of exercise to suit you.
Exercise burns calories; it also keeps bones healthy, improves cardiovascular performance, enhances digestion, tones the muscles and the skin, and increases your chance of getting a restful night’s sleep.

Exercise is energizing
The paradox of exercise is that by expending energy you can increase energy. By improving the heart’s performance and ability to pump blood, aerobic exercise makes your body more energy-efficient, and you consume less oxygen when going about normal daily activities.

Exercise burns fat
In this sedentary society you need to schedule regular exercise to keep your body trim and improve your health. If you eat more food than your body uses up in energy, the surplus calories are stored as fat.

Move it is lose it
When you exercise aerobically, your body first burns the glucose circulating; it then turns to the glycogen stored in the muscles and the liver, as well as some fatty acids. Thus, an exercise session longer than about 20 minutes burns more fat and helps to shed weight and keep it off.

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